mardi 5 février 2008

Exploring the Web

I am discovering all this world of computers, internet, blogs and stuff...
I know I know! I am late! But I'm there now, ok?
If you feel lost (like me) in this new web world you may want to check out the next page...

lundi 4 février 2008

Software Industry vs. Software Society

The wonderful world of Internet is open to all of us. How come? Where does it come from? Well, check the article and you'll see!
The question now is another... Will open software and free programs continue being accessible to all of us or will a big monopole come and take control of them? Personally, I believe open software will win the battle against those big companies who want to be in control of every single program and invention. As a community we are much more powerful than those few rich businessmen who want to lead us.
That's what I believe (and hope) but I still have one question in my head that makes me hesitate:
Can money buy everything?
What do you think?